Module 3 Wind Assignment 25

Assignment 25
Use the eBook: Yoga 4 Love’s Big Book of Poses, Asana 101, 201, 301 for guidance of pre and post postures.

Practice Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee pose) both sides.

Practice Pachimottasana with a strap around both feet, aiming for 5 minutes surrendering over props.

Practice Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Leg Forward Fold), facing the wall. Deepen with the wall aiming for 5 minutes surrendering over props. Complete your asana practice in seated butterfly and flap out legs.

Log the practice time on your student log and give feedback.  

Research Surya Namaskar A and B.  Review the Surya flows in Yoga 4 Love Tools for Mind, Body and Spirit: For a Holistic Lifestyle ~ Chapter 7.

Video and save in your sub folder.  Instruction can be found in previous assignments and in the Overview.